What is Scottish Country Dancing?

Scottish Country Dancing is the social dancing of Scotland for dancers with a partner and several couples, usually four in a group called a set. A bit like square dancing. Scottish Country Dancing is not Highland Dancing, which is more individual, with high, showy steps. There are 5 basic steps and these steps are used in a variety of formations. These formations are put together in endless, different combinations to produce an infinite diversity of dances. Each couple progresses through each position in the set dancing as the lead couple or as a supporting couple.

To watch some YouTube videos of the basic formations click here

There are 3 rhythms in Scottish Country Dancing - the faster reels and jigs and the strathspey - slow and graceful and unique to Scottish music.

It is a great hobby which exercises mind and body and provides social activity and friendship. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome, dancers don’t need to be Scottish or to bring a partner. Just prepare yourself for some wonderful good-hearted fun. Even if you don't dance the whole night long, the infectious fiddle music will have your feet tapping to the beat.

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